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When we look at great art, do we realise it is looking back? With eyes that see more clearly than we do?

In a mysterious gallery imbued with strange life, shadows of the past and unresolved futures collide when a child's vision peels away the layers of what we call 'reality'...join a journey through the masterpieces you thought you knew as their hidden souls are finally given a voice.

As layers of contemporary 'reality' are stripped away, art's unseen soul brings a challenge we can neither ignore nor escape. Or can we? Will their message be heard in time?

The door is open. The masters' works await us. Who will enter ?

  • Year
  • Runtime
    4 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Radheya Jegatheva
  • Screenwriter
    Radheya Jegatheva
  • Producer
    Matt Hearn, Jay Jay Jegathesan
  • Editor
    Radheya Jegatheva
  • Sound Design
    Steeve Body
  • Music
    Radheya Jegatheva, Steeve Body