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Honor Thy Mother is the untold story of 36 Aboriginal women from Canada and Native women from tribes in Washington and Alaska who migrated in the 1940s to Bainbridge Island, the traditional territory of the Suquamish people. As survivors of Indian Residential Schools, they came, some still in their teens, to pick berries for Japanese American farmers, fell in love and married Filipino immigrants. They settled on the Island to raise their mixed-heritage, (Indigenous mother and Filipino father) Indipino children.

About the Director:

Lucy Ostrander grew up in a family who taught her from an early age the importance of social justice, which ultimately became an underlying theme in her filmmaking career. In 2002, Lucy and her filmmaking partner Don Sellers, launched Stourwater Pictures which has focused on discovering and telling the stories of everyday people who have lived extraordinary and meaningful lives. With an emphasis on social justice, their award-winning documentaries have focused on the Pacific Northwest and the Pacific Rim and have screened in scores of festivals and universities and have been broadcast nationally on PBS as well as internationally.

Film Contact:

Lucy Ostrander:

  • Runtime
    31 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    Oregon Premiere
  • Director
    Lucy Ostrander