"Somewhere Confidential" is a darkly comedic film noir that plunges viewers into the twisted world of detective Guthrie Hayward. As he spirals through a labyrinth of vice and deceit, his unconventional allies include a loyal dingo accountant, his drug-addled siblings, and an enigmatic Mennonite with possibly mystical abilities. With danger lurking at every corner and a cryptic conspiracy pushing society to its limits, Guthrie must navigate treacherous waters to crack the case and make a clean getaway.
- Year2024
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- Premiere2024
- RatingPG-13
- GenreMystery, Comedy, Film Noir
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Content WarningDrug use, language
- DirectorCasey Siegel
- ScreenwriterAaron Wagner, Richie Stratton
- ProducerJames Tristan Moore
- CastKate Faye Cummings, Regina Galbick, Matthew Helms, Nathan Fiery, Rick Warren, Steven Beckingham, Pierce Williams
- CinematographerAlexander Fuerst
- ComposerAndrew Edwards
"Somewhere Confidential" is a darkly comedic film noir that plunges viewers into the twisted world of detective Guthrie Hayward. As he spirals through a labyrinth of vice and deceit, his unconventional allies include a loyal dingo accountant, his drug-addled siblings, and an enigmatic Mennonite with possibly mystical abilities. With danger lurking at every corner and a cryptic conspiracy pushing society to its limits, Guthrie must navigate treacherous waters to crack the case and make a clean getaway.
- Year2024
- Runtime105 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited States
- Premiere2024
- RatingPG-13
- GenreMystery, Comedy, Film Noir
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- Content WarningDrug use, language
- DirectorCasey Siegel
- ScreenwriterAaron Wagner, Richie Stratton
- ProducerJames Tristan Moore
- CastKate Faye Cummings, Regina Galbick, Matthew Helms, Nathan Fiery, Rick Warren, Steven Beckingham, Pierce Williams
- CinematographerAlexander Fuerst
- ComposerAndrew Edwards