Available in 20d 03h 45m 37s
Available October 14, 2024 1:00 PM UTC
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So wide and impressive is the Rhône valley, that it cuts the south of France in two parts. This giant flatland corridor holds a remarkable archeological preservation dating from the wilderness of Paleolithic. Here, bison, horse, bear, lion and hyena shared the ice age landscapes with the Neanderthal.

Into this land, we find a human story stretching for a duration of over 250,000 years. Indeed, this deep-time archeology pinpoints the Neanderthal-extinction event, as well as revealing the very earliest incursion of Homo sapiens in Europe, dating to 52,000 years ago.

Here too - remarkably - we have the most ancient and awesome of cave paintings anywhere on the planet: the Chauvet Cave!

Follow Rob Hope into the Paleolithic.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    52 minutes
  • Language
  • Country
  • Director
    Rob Hope