Welcome to ILLUMINATE Film Festival's Virtual Screening Room!
Explore the best of conscious films, panels, Reel Healings and more in our year-round on-demand catalog.


Films On Demand - Consciousness & Awakening

Dying to Know: Ram Dass & Timothy Leary
Awake: The Life of Yogananda
Infinite Potential: The Life & Ideas of David Bohm
Becoming Nobody
Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth - Series of 6 Episodes
Samadhi Road

Films On Demand - Health & Wellbeing

Bipolarized: Rethinking Mental Illness
The Diabetes Solution
The Mindfulness Movement
Song of the New Earth
May I Be Happy

Films On Demand - Personal Transformation

Incite Happiness: Happiness is in Sight
Dance of Liberation
I Am Maris
The Miracle Morning
The Power of the Heart
Down to Earth
3100: Run and Become

Films On Demand - Earth & Animals

Becoming Animal
Being with Animals
The Dog Doc
The Earthing Movie
Love Thy Nature
Down to Earth
The Big Fix

Films On Demand - Social Impact

The Third Harmony: Nonviolence and the New Story of Human Nature
Down to Earth
Global Spirit: Earth Wisdom for A World in Crisis
Healing a Soldier's Heart
The Man Who Built Peace
Thank You For Your Service

FREE Conscious Film Convergence: Film Industry Insights

FREE Conversations: Film Topics

Member Selects