Available in 16d 04h 11m 30s
Available October 10, 2024 1:30 PM UTC
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Following his father’s sudden death, a young man returns home for the funeral, and closure with him as he journeys to the afterworld. The film explores how the lack of space for male grieving makes their loss very isolating.

Yn dilyn marwolaeth sydyn ei dad, mae dyn ifanc yn dychwelyd adref ar gyfer yr angladd, ac yn ceisio cael diweddglo wrth iddo deithio i'r byd a ddaw. Mae'r ffilm yn archwilio sut mae'r diffyg lle i alaru gwrywaidd yn gwneud eu colled yn ynysig iawn.

  • Year
  • Runtime
    27 minutes
  • Language
    English, Twi
  • Country
  • Director
    Joewackle J Kusi
  • Screenwriter
    Joewackle J Kusi
  • Producer
    Albert Donkor