In this short film, we follow the lives of Randy and Bella Noka, tribal Elders, as they bring awareness to the struggles they and their tribe have faced from local communities and the State of Rhode Island. This episodic short recounts firsthand stories of the 2003 Narragansett Smoke Shop Raid, a traumatic event that resulted in years of economic stagnation and grief. We hope to spread awareness about the cruelty and contempt with which the state of Rhode Island has subjugated the tribe since colonization. These things are still happening, and the smoke shop raid is just the tip of the iceberg.
In this short film, we follow the lives of Randy and Bella Noka, tribal Elders, as they bring awareness to the struggles they and their tribe have faced from local communities and the State of Rhode Island. This episodic short recounts firsthand stories of the 2003 Narragansett Smoke Shop Raid, a traumatic event that resulted in years of economic stagnation and grief. We hope to spread awareness about the cruelty and contempt with which the state of Rhode Island has subjugated the tribe since colonization. These things are still happening, and the smoke shop raid is just the tip of the iceberg.