Revolutionary Tales is a short film segment guest-curated by Sudanese filmmaker Rafa Renas. This series of films depicts various perspectives and revolutionary currents in Sudan’s recent history.
Rafa Renas is a Sudanese producer and filmmaker. Based in Khartoum, she produces cross-media campaigns, promoting a civil society, integration, and gender issues. She also produces for international media outlets. She was a co-curator of Aflam Sudan in Kenya, and she is a guest curator for the segment Revolutionary Tales at this year’s Twin Cities Arab Film Festival.
A group of young revolutionaries create an imaginary television station at a besieged sit-in. What begins as play becomes an urgent conjuring of a new Sudan.
- Year2024
- Runtime19 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountrySudan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorRoopa Gogineni
- ScreenwriterRoopa Gogineni
- ProducerRoopa Gogineni
- CinematographerRoopa Gogineni
- EditorRoopa Gogineni
Revolutionary Tales is a short film segment guest-curated by Sudanese filmmaker Rafa Renas. This series of films depicts various perspectives and revolutionary currents in Sudan’s recent history.
Rafa Renas is a Sudanese producer and filmmaker. Based in Khartoum, she produces cross-media campaigns, promoting a civil society, integration, and gender issues. She also produces for international media outlets. She was a co-curator of Aflam Sudan in Kenya, and she is a guest curator for the segment Revolutionary Tales at this year’s Twin Cities Arab Film Festival.
A group of young revolutionaries create an imaginary television station at a besieged sit-in. What begins as play becomes an urgent conjuring of a new Sudan.
- Year2024
- Runtime19 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountrySudan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorRoopa Gogineni
- ScreenwriterRoopa Gogineni
- ProducerRoopa Gogineni
- CinematographerRoopa Gogineni
- EditorRoopa Gogineni