Revolutionary Tales is a short film segment guest-curated by Sudanese filmmaker Rafa Renas. This series of films depicts various perspectives and revolutionary currents in Sudan’s recent history.
Rafa Renas is a Sudanese producer and filmmaker. Based in Khartoum, she produces cross-media campaigns, promoting a civil society, integration, and gender issues. She also produces for international media outlets. She was a co-curator of Aflam Sudan in Kenya, and she is a guest curator for the segment Revolutionary Tales at this year’s Twin Cities Arab Film Festival.
Women of War is a short documentary that recounts the stories of several women who have lived through the trials of war in the Blue Nile region of Sudan. Between loss and the hope for life, they defy circumstances and create a positive impact on their communities. They sing for peace because they are the ones who need it most.
- Year2022
- Runtime25 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountrySudan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorAlgaddal Hassan
Revolutionary Tales is a short film segment guest-curated by Sudanese filmmaker Rafa Renas. This series of films depicts various perspectives and revolutionary currents in Sudan’s recent history.
Rafa Renas is a Sudanese producer and filmmaker. Based in Khartoum, she produces cross-media campaigns, promoting a civil society, integration, and gender issues. She also produces for international media outlets. She was a co-curator of Aflam Sudan in Kenya, and she is a guest curator for the segment Revolutionary Tales at this year’s Twin Cities Arab Film Festival.
Women of War is a short documentary that recounts the stories of several women who have lived through the trials of war in the Blue Nile region of Sudan. Between loss and the hope for life, they defy circumstances and create a positive impact on their communities. They sing for peace because they are the ones who need it most.
- Year2022
- Runtime25 minutes
- LanguageArabic
- CountrySudan
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- DirectorAlgaddal Hassan